PoeTris: Tri pjesme po izboru autorice.
unprecedented joy of pain collective pain collective sadness ebbing my feet off the edge off the edge of that pool that pool of our salty tears the tears of joy and love the tears of pain and frustration living as individuals in the seemingly hazy reality around forgetting about the collective reality on the ground forgetting about living as one in the reality that hugs us like the favorite son my pain can never be judged as just my pain as much as yours can never be truly yours generations of distrust generations of fighting have pushed us afar to the ground on which we are standing now thinking of freedom doesn’t make us live freely now bounded by the encompassing social bubbles around sometimes leaves us blind away from vastness away from abundance actually arriving from all the rising stars above dealing with the pain a question keeping me standing still no way out it is here to stay it is here as a part of the grand colossal consciousness talking and walking the angry little man inside guides our millionth understanding of love from the divine intuition just as she was as soon as you meet her she is gone for a ride so to slow down or go high strangers or slow friends to make love or make war this infinity allows the existence of both sadness is here and it is in the now it is going to stay longer than ourselves alone so dipping my feet further into the pool of sadness searching for my ideal without the ability to know if I even need the surreal keeps me in the dark it comes down to the night together we fear of resting and closing our eyes our heart keeps sinking us down but what does our mind know? the mind knows the unlimited it knows the blue and the ugly parts too the mind is always by our side very much like one let’s drive around the rivers of our salty tears swim without the sun laugh without the fun only then we can be each other’s good times slowly becoming strong as one.
Od pećine do sredine povratak u civilizaciju kakvu znam kroz dim crnih ljudi u baru čini se isečak iz mojih snova ali sva moja razmišljanja sada vode ka onome što ne znam gde je sve kao u najtupljem vragu bez vreve bez frke bez ljudi koji ne znaju za sebe bez prolivanja piva žurka nervoze u glavi žurka galame oko mene a meni se davi davi od dima koji leti dalje od vrućine u mom telu davi od znoja tela oko sveta ovog sveta u kojem sam obezglavljena sada koji nema izlaska i nema plana put koji nepomično vodim sada prati kanare daleko odavde ali kako da ostanem tu muči me pitanje to želim ne želim da stamen nogama čvrsto na pod da budem opet tu kao ja ne mogu jer da budem tu mogu samo kao ja bez granica i prepreka samo kao morski konjić mogu da večno plovim i ne davim se u suzama plićaka ide mi se dublje dalje u ono izvan nas i izvan sveta samog kojeg zovemo civilizacija u ono plavo u ono žuto gde misli lete gde se tlo deli.
kids of fallen leaves imagine how much better the world would be if we all were just kids on the beach with no commitment but to build a sandcastle where all of our superheroes fit with no commitment other than to dance for the sun until it kisses our pale skin goodbye until it drapes behind the waves until the curtain closes we continue to dream only by raising our eyes up high at the slice of apple we mistake for the moon the shooting stars we devise to be skies butterflies imagine how much better the world would be if we all were just leaves falling off a tree no anger eating us alive but only grains of gratitude never condemning to solitude carving a blanket for the world where we all were just kids on the leafy beach only to build a birdhouse out of autumn colors from the fallen tree and the rest of the leaves we could just throw on a scavenging pile only to walk across just to feel the crunch under our stubborn feet particularly to run to the mighty cold water naked as the wind then to hold our breath engaging slowly with the turtles talking to the fish understanding the philosophy of the waves with no running thought in our lucid head imagine how much better the world would be if we all were just kids on the beach.
Eliana Katarina rođena je 1998. u Beogradu. Kada je napunila 17 godina odlučila je napustiti centar Beograda, svoje gnijezdo, pomičući tako svoje granice na cijeli svijet, počevši od Sjedinjenih Američkih država pa sve do Kanarskog otočja. Završila je osnovne studije psihologije u Grčkoj, a nastavila svoj akademski život u Nizozemskoj na istraživačkom masteru kulture i društva sa specijalizacijom antropologije. Svoj put, u želji da promijeni svijet, traži kroz aktivizam pisanjem poezije, socijalne kritike društva, filozofije, prozne psihologije, spisa snova i revolucije. Kroz radionice, neformalnu edukaciju i predavanje engleskog jezika želi pomoći djeci i mladima da postanu aktivni članovi društva i da zajedno izađu izvan okvira naučenih strahova. Kao novinar, piše za portal Artkvart te je suorganizator večeri poezije Poetkult, na kojem je prvi put podijelila svoje pjesme s drugima. Trenutno je najviše zanimaju glazba i circus te nastupa na ulici, u barovima i kazalištu. Svoj razigrani nomadski život opisuje kao remek djelo knjige u pomicaju.
#Eliana Katarina Polić #poetris #poezija